
How to Avoid A Bee Sting When Eating Outside

How to Avoid A Bee Sting When Eating Outside
This time of year is so nice to enjoy the outdoors for as long as possible. With the weather hopefully being okay for a few more weeks (in theory), hosting a delicious meal with your loved ones is the perfect excuse to put your patio or garden to work. However, with outdoor meals also comes the unfortunate possibility of a bee sting. What could be mildly annoying and alarming to some could be serious or life-threatening to those with a bee allergy. A bee sting allergy is rarer than other types of allergies but often comes with severe allergic reactions. Other than getting allergy testing to know what you’re dealing with, what can you do to help make eating outside safe for everyone on your invitee list? Here are some tips.

Plan a bee-free event

If you have a bee allergy or are inviting someone who does, you should consider planning with that in mind. This makes the event inclusive for even bee-sensitive attendees. This is also wonderful for those with kids, especially those who are naturally fearful of bees and other buzzing bugs. The first thing to do in planning your event is to assume that uninvited bees will be there. After all, bees are everywhere and are essential components in our world’s ecosystem. You must plan for the bees to keep everyone safe and happy at your event. This could mean planning a menu that doesn’t factor in bee favourites (more on that later). Or, it could mean planning to host the meal within a screened tent or other such set-up so that everyone can dine in peace with the bees safely on the outside.

How to keep your dinner bee-aware

If a screened-in space isn’t possible, or you would rather eat in the open air, you must plan for a bee-aware event! This is the best way for everyone to avoid bee stings, whether they have arranged for allergy testing or not. After all, no one enjoys bee stings -- not even beekeepers!

Bees love sugar

It’s that simple. Their diet is mostly sugar, so they absolutely love it, and it’s an easy energy source for them. The same goes for wasps, hornets, and other stinging insects. You’ll want to plan a menu that doesn’t revolve around sugary food so that you can do your part to keep the stinging bugs away. Since it isn’t unrealistic to not have anything sugary (drinks, dessert, fruit, etc.), plan on keeping it covered tightly with lids and other coverings so that bees can’t detect the sugar and zoom in to investigate. The better you follow this, the more likely you won’t attract many bees.

Clean up your messes quickly

If there is a spill of food (especially sugary food), clean it up thoroughly and quickly. The same would be true for sugar-based products on napkins, faces, hands, plates, etc. The longer that lingers out in the air, the more likely you are to have some buzzy attendees. If you are eating something sugary, try to eat it quickly or enjoy it in small “poppable” portions. For example, cake pops or small pieces of watermelon.

Ease up on perfume

If possible, try to protect yourself and your loved ones by skipping perfume or scented hairspray. They love the sweet scent of these and will be very curious about learning where it is coming from. While you can’t exactly put a “no scents” rule on your outdoor event, it is something to consider!

Consider a bee distraction

Another great idea is to put something sugary (sugar-spiked water, for instance) near your event but not at it. For example, on a small folding table that is yards away from your eating table. The bees and other buzzies will go to that bowl of water and will leave your food alone. If they do come around you, nonetheless, ensure that you allow them to forage as normal without swatting. Since they tend to feel more vulnerable while snacking, bees will likely sting you if you try to deter them from their food source -- even if it is your piece of cake!

Dress accordingly

Another way to help protect yourself is to wear drab colours (such as greys and other neutrals). Bees think bright colours are flowers and, therefore, interesting to check out in detail! You can also take that a step further by keeping your arms, legs, and feet covered.

Be sting allergies are seriousAllergy And Intolerance Plus Test

It may sound like all this preparation is over the top, but stings are a serious matter if you have a bee allergy. Because they often set off anaphylactic reactions, it’s a good idea to consider allergy testing for your children or even adults to ensure you have everything you need in case of a bee sting. If your little one has hay fever or food allergies, you may assume they are also likely to have a bee sting allergy. This is not necessarily the case, as there is no increased risk between them! As you prepare to enjoy meals outside, be extra cautious to plan an event that will be as enjoyable as possible. Regardless of whether your guests have a bee allergy, no one wants unnecessary discomfort caused by bees and their constant need for your sugary drink. These plans will help you keep on top of it!

Author: Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip., Nutritionist / Care Manager

Donna has a diploma in Advanced Holistic Nutrition and 10 years customer service experience so is perfect as the Customer Care Manager, who manages the 24/7 team for global support.

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