At Test Your Intolerance, we take the health of our customers and clients seriously. While the comfort and satisfaction of our customers is certainly rewarding enough for the time and focus that we put into the testing process, it’s also nice to know that other people see the hard work that we do, and want to recognize it. In fact, Test Your Intolerance was just announced as a winner of the Derbyshire Business Award in 2019. This is a very exciting opportunity for us and we are so proud to be part of the line up of other professionals.

From the very beginning, our goal has always been the same: help everyone and anyone get firm and specific information on their food-related concerns. All of our employees and various staff have a strong pride in helping give answers to those who come to us to ask for them. 

We have fine-tuned our processes to allow us to test for more and more options within the world of food intolerances. Leaders in the world of food intolerance testings, we offer sophisticated and professional-level testing that allows for maximum education in, and understanding of, the world of food intolerances.

As the scientific world changes and creates new opportunities for food testing, so do we. We make an effort to stay up with the times, whatever they may be, and we’ll be able to make sure that this translates to better and more detailed tests for each client that sends their sample to us.

We also work at making sure that food intolerance testing is as comfortable as possible. We offer both hair sample and blood sample test to be able to offer you the convenience of choosing a testing method that is the most practical and doable for you. The results are designed to be as accurate as possible for both testing types, so the focus is to simply choose based on whatever sample makes you the most comfortable.

By winning this prestigious and much-appreciated award, our goal is to take the motivation and energy that this brings us, and work hard at putting it back into the food intolerance testing business. We will continue to work even harder, and pour those results out into the world for our clients and customers to enjoy.

We are so honoured to be awarded this exciting award and are very grateful to the judges and other contributing factors that went into making us its winners. We understand that the competition was fierce and we are so glad to know that other like-minded professionals can see the value in what we do as easily as we can. 

All of us at Test Your Intolerance would like to take this opportunity to thank the British Chamber of Commerce Business Awards for their impressive and important support in the work that we do. We are looking forward to getting back to work and bettering more and more lives, one sample and test at a time.