Introducing our Sensitivity Test Plus, an innovative approach to identifying food and environmental sensitivities. Say goodbye to traditional blood samples, as this test harnesses the potential of a small hair sample. Using the method of bioresonance, we present you with a non-invasive and budget-friendly way to explore over 900 sensitivities using just 5 strands of hair. While it’s important to remember that this test won’t pinpoint your allergies or intolerances (rest assured, we have specialised tests for those) it serves as an exciting initial step towards comprehending understanding the potential stressors your body could be contending with at present.

Speaking from my experience as a nutritional therapist, I often find myself engaged in casual chats with friends during dinner. Our discussions usually revolve around those unexpected symptoms that tend to arise right in the midst of a meal. To provide you with a glimpse into these conversations, allow me to share a typical scenario from the dinner table:

“Urgh…. My stomach hurts so bad. I must’ve eaten something bad.”

“You think you have food poisoning?”

“No… it’s happened before. I think I must have an intolerance to something I eat”

“You should do a test and find out what it is”

“Nuh uh… I couldn’t… no way. I’m not doing a blood test. I hate needles!”

“Maybe you don’t have to. Test Your Intolerance have a sensitivity test called the Sensitivity Test Plus that doesn’t require a blood sample”

“Wait, what? No blood sample? So I can find out what I’m intolerant to, without any needles? How does that work?”

“Not quite. It’s not an intolerance test – it’s a sensitivity test, and it totally non-invasive as it just needs a sample of your hair – 5 strands to be exact”

“What’s the difference? Surely I’m intolerant or I’m not. This is all so confusing!”

“Well, you could be allergic or intolerant to something, but that would require a blood test to look for the relevant antibodies in your blood. Sensitivity testing looks at what is stressing your body and making it work harder. Using a small hair sample avoids the need for needles, and will give you a good idea of what is stressing your body”

“If it’s so good, why are there blood tests available as well?”

“Because for a complete picture, we still need to look at testing allergies and intolerances – these can only be tested by blood sample. Testing for sensitivities is a third way that you can have an issue with a substance”

“You mean I’d still have to do a blood test?”

“Maybe not. If you change your diet based on the sensitivity test and your symptoms improve, then you wouldn’t need to keep testing. But, if symptoms persist then you would need to look at testing further – that might mean allergy testing, intolerance testing, or an appointment with your doctor”

“Interesting. Tell me more about the Sensitivity Test Plus – how many things can it test for?”

“975 in total – a mix of foods, drinks, environmental items, plus information on metal toxicity, gut biome status, and hormonal balance”

“Wow. Seriously? That must be expensive though”

“Not particularly – it’s £79”

“OK. Where’s the catch? Is it all a con? Are they just making up the results on a pretty report?”

“Haha, no. The test is done on a Multiple Analytical Resonance System and has an 85% response rate. Even better, it’s covered by their 100% money back guarantee”

“Where can I get one? I’m in!”

“Pop over to the Test Your Intolerance website and you can order directly through their website for home delivery”Is It Time To Try This Method

“Amazing! I’ll let you know my results once I have them”

And then it’s back to dipping the nachos in the guac, or pouring the gravy over the roasties…

Is it time for you to embrace this holistic method for a clearer picture of your well-being journey?

While the Sensitivity Test Plus doesn’t constitute a medical diagnosis (it’s categorised as Complementary and Alternative Medicine and therefore outside of mainstream medicine), sensitivity testing is an affordable, non-invasive test for anyone who is needle-phobic, or who has already started to change their diet (this can make blood tests for allergies and intolerances less reliable). It may also be useful if allergy and intolerance blood tests are not showing any results.

You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition and/or medical symptoms. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it.