In every woman’s life, there is an important transition: menopause. With World Menopause Month as our reminder, it’s a wonderful occasion to take a close look at this vital transition. We also must understand what it is, when it can happen, what it can feel like, and how menopause testing can give you the crucial information that you need to make the most out of it. While sometimes challenging, the correct information and support can make all the difference.

Why don’t we hear more about menopause?

You likely have heard of menopause before, but just in passing. Most women know they will experience it and that it can be frustrating. But why isn’t there more out there about it? If every single woman is going to live through menopause, why isn’t there a lot of talk about it? The reason comes down to a few angles, depending on how you view it.

Firstly, there is a lack of training among many classic medical professionals. Many older professionals tend to pass it off as something women experience, but that’s it. This can happen with male or female professionals. Younger medical professionals tend to have a more interactive approach to menopause care, thankfully.

Both in medical settings and in the general public, there is a need for better and more menopause education so that each transitioning woman can feel supported and heard and have a better quality of life.

Raising awareness on World Menopause Month. Why is it so taboo?

There is a lot of social stigma around menopause. This, combined with the lack of knowledge on menopause, can make women feel as though this life change is ignored. As well, women can feel overlooked and even belittled. Some women are even uncomfortable talking to their employers about experiencing menopause since they feel that they might have less job security.

No matter how you look at it, it’s time to change the conversation about menopause. From taboo to loud and proud, the time has come to make the space to discuss living with menopause and even life after menopause. It’s encouraging to see World Menopause Month so publicly acknowledged, but that is just the start!

If you want to add your voice to the conversation, the best way to do that is by ordering menopause testing. This could be for yourself if you are of that age, but it could also be for someone you love who might be less comfortable asking for help or support due to a negative experience in the past. This at-home test will help each person know what their hormones are doing and help them know whether they should see their GP or another compassionate medical professional for support and help during this life change.

Of course, testing for menopause is also a great way to know if what you are dealing with is, in fact, this vital change or if it’s something else going on.

What are common menopause symptoms?Common Menopause Symptoms

There are a lot of possible menopause symptoms to track and be aware of. Some of the most common symptoms are listed below:

  • Period changes
  • Persistent low mood
  • Heightened anxiety
  • Poor concentration
  • Hot flushes
  • Migraines
  • Changed body shape
  • Chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs)

There are also a lot of secondary symptoms that can pop up. As you can see, menopause symptoms are widespread and can be easy to attribute to other life problems, including stress. This is part of the reason why there is a need for more information and compassion. Women are experiencing debilitating symptoms and often feel ridiculed for asking for help and support.

How long does menopause last?

Every woman will experience menopause differently — both in duration and severity of the symptoms. Menopause typically lasts months but can last years. Symptoms can come and go in that time and even change. For example, a woman may start with hot flushes and period changes, but those symptoms could transition to low mood and difficulty sleeping after some time.

This major life change can be hard to live with, especially if you do so alone. If your GP cannot provide you with proper care, it’s essential to find support in many organisations that can help you through this valid time in your life.

How do I know if it’s menopause?

Sometimes, diagnosing menopause can cause problems in that some outdated GPs will assume it’s “just menopause” when something else is happening. Whether you are experiencing menopause symptoms or not, consider getting menopause testing. You can use these test results to stay in charge of your health and do your part to advocate for your health and its needs if you need to. Knowledge is always power; test results make the best, most accurate knowledge out there!

At the very least, know that you aren’t alone when navigating this vital change in life. Every other woman around you is going through the same thing, and there is a lot of strength in numbers. We must build a support system so that every woman feels her voice is heard and her needs are met every step of the way! World Menopause Month is the perfect time to get that conversation started.