Gluten Intolerance Testing: A Guide - Test Your Intolerance

Gluten intolerance is a condition where your body is unable to digest gluten. Most times, gluten intolerance is mistaken for celiac disease. These two are different in many ways, but the main way is that celiac disease is an autoimmune condition, while gluten intolerance isn’t.

Gluten intolerance affects the digestive tract causing digestive symptoms because your body can’t digest gluten. Both celiac and gluten intolerance mean you have a reaction to gluten but in different ways. Gluten intolerance is also referred to as non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Gluten is a natural protein in grains that causes wheat to have its elastic nature. Gluten also helps dough rise and hold together. That chewy texture in bread is because of wheat. Gluten contains two main proteins gliadin and glutenin. Most people with severe reactions to gluten often do so due to gliadin.

What are the first signs of being gluten intolerant?

Gluten intolerance can start in childhood or suddenly develop in your adult years. Either way, you’ll need to cut off gluten in your diet. Gluten intolerance symptoms also show up between a few hours to three days. The digestive symptoms only cease when gluten is out of your system. Common symptoms include:

  • Joint pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Gasssiness
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Brain fog

The process of gluten intolerance testing

Testing for gluten intolerance is quite simple. All you have to do is order an Intolerance Test, place it in your cart, and then pay for it. After that, you’ll receive it within three days in the mail. The test kit has instructions on taking your sample, and you can do it in less than five minutes.

After collecting your sample, you can return it to the lab for testing. Scientists wil now test the sample in the lab, and you’ll get an email with your results within seven days of the sample arriving in the labs. You will then get a free thirty minutes consultation with a dietitian to help you figure out your results and change your diet accordingly.

Gluten intolerance testing involves IgG4 testing because those are the antibodies released into the bloodstream when you’re suffering from intolerance. When it’s an allergy, the testing looks for IgE antibodies which are different because the symptoms are often immediate or atleast take 2 hours to show up.

When you have a food intolerance, it’s the IgG4 antibodies that are released into your bloodstream in plenty hence why these are tested for during an intolerance test. An intolerance test checks for gluten intolerance and other common food intolerances. Because of this, you’ll know what’s causing your symptoms, even if it won’t be gluten.

Interpreting gluten intolerance

Gluten protein is present in some grains, wheat being the most commonly known grain. So, you’ll often find gluten is an ingredient in most processed foods and drinks. When avoiding gluten, you must thoroughly read labels and ingredient lists. You’ll also find gluten in cosmetics,  medications, and vitamins.

The easiest way to diagnose gluten intolerance is by taking a gluten Intolerance Test. If the results show gluten intolerance, you must eliminate gluten from your diet. The most effective gluten intolerance treatment is taking up a gluten-free diet. However, it’s possible with the help of a doctor to increase your gluten tolerance through an elimination diet. Increasing your tolerance only means knowing your gluten consumption limit.

Causes of gluten intolerance

Like all other food intolerances, the leading cause of gluten intolerance is unknown. While some researchers believe that gluten could be the problem, others believe that it’s not gluten but rather a carbohydrate in many other foods thats causing all the trouble.

When your body can’t break down that carbohydrate or gluten, it stays longer in your digestive tract, where it ferments, causing sickness and other intestinal symptoms. Some research also shows that wheat can increase intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome).

There is, however, still much debate to determine whether intestinal permeability due to gluten can only affect those with celiac disease or it affects even those with gluten sensitivity. However, gluten can increase permeability in those suffering from IBS. There have also been studies contradicting intestinal permeability as being caused by gluten. It would only be safe for people with gluten sensitivity or intolerance to avoid this protein in their diet.

When one’s gut lining has been affected, bacteria can leak into the bloodstream or liver, causing inflammation. The purpose of a healthy stomach lining is to keep bacteria from leaking into the bloodstream.

How to live with gluten intolerance

Adopting a gluten-free diet will only be difficult in the beginning. However, as you keep adopting, you’ll get used to it and know which items to pick from and restaurants to buy food from. When eating away from your house or when someone else is cooking your food, tell them about your intolerance and what they can make you intestate with gluten-containing foods.

Loved ones always enjoy making foods that meet our needs, and they won’t be mad at you for it. You should also inform your favourite restaurant of your intolerance so you can get there at peace without expecting intolerance symptoms later on. You can also find a restaurant with a gluten-free menu where you can indulge without any fear.In the UK, about 10% of the population is gluten free

More people are adopting a gluten-free diet. In the UK, about 10% of the population is gluten-free. This means that you will find more items in grocery stores and bakeries that don’t contain gluten but are still very yummy.

Other ways to manage to live with gluten intolerance include:

  • Regular tests for iron deficiency, cholesterol, and other vitamin and nutritional deficiencies.
  • Learning of all the drinks and foods with gluten so you can easily avoid them.
  • Sticking to a low-fat, high-fibre diet.
  • Carefully reading food and beverage labels.

Final thoughts

Gluten intolerance is when symptoms indicate you’re sick after gluten consumption. If you have gluten intolerance, you may feel bloated, gassy, and tired afterward. Gluten sensitivity isn’t the same as celiac disease, but they’re similar because they’re both conditions caused by gluten. If you’re yet to get a diagnosis for glute intolerance, get a gluten Intolerance Test that will help you know whether you’re suffering from this condition. The best way to manage gluten intolerance is through a gluten-free diet.