Kate Knowler, Author at Test Your Intolerance

Kate Knowler

Registered Nutritional Therapist

Education CNM College of Naturopathic Medicine

Personal History

Kate Knowler is a highly respected nutritionist, phlebotomist and author, renowned for her expertise in the field of holistic health and wellness.

After leaving school, she worked in corporate businesses as an IT programmer, data analyst, network support engineer, and many other technical jobs besides these. Working long hours in stressful environments had an effect on her health, and she started to study nutritional therapy as a hobby in what little spare time she had. She soon developed a passion for helping individuals optimise their well-being through nutrition, and has dedicated the latter part of her career to educating and empowering others to make informed choices about their health.

With extensive training in nutrition and a deep understanding of the intricate connection between food and the body, Kate has become a trusted authority in her field. Her evidence-based approach combines scientific research with practical advice to create personalised nutrition plans that cater to the unique needs of her clients.

Kate's series of "Blood Labs" books have garnered widespread acclaim for their comprehensive exploration of blood testing and its impact on overall health. Through meticulous research and clear explanations, Kate demystifies the complexities of blood analysis, empowering readers to interpret their own test results and make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

As a sought-after speaker, Kate has delivered engaging presentations and workshops to diverse audiences, including health professionals and the general public. Her ability to simplify complex concepts and convey them with enthusiasm has earned her a reputation as an engaging and relatable speaker.

In addition to her clinical practice and authorship, Kate actively contributes to the health and wellness community through her online platforms. She shares evidence-based articles, practical tips, and delicious recipes that inspire and motivate her audience to embrace a nourishing lifestyle.

Kate Knowler's unwavering dedication to promoting holistic health and empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being has made her a respected figure in the field of nutrition. Her expertise, passion, and commitment continue to positively impact countless lives, making her a trusted resource for anyone seeking to achieve optimal health through nutrition.

Posts by Kate Knowler:

Allergies And Autoimmune Diseases

Allergies And Autoimmune Diseases – What’s The Difference

Allergies and autoimmune diseases both involve the immune system, but what differentiates them is the way the autoimmune system reacts, and what gets targeted as a result. What is an allergy? An allergy occurs when the immune system overreacts to a normally harmless substance, producing an IgE antibody that triggers an exaggerated response with the […]

Top 8 Groundbreaking IgG-Mediated Food Intolerances Studies

Top 8 Groundbreaking IgG-Mediated Food Intolerances Studies

Testing IgG-mediated antibodies to identify food intolerances is a subject that has been much debated in both the scientific and the nutrition communities over the years – this is an emerging field that is still being researched and, while there are studies supporting the use of food intolerance tests, there are also others suggest interpreting […]

4 Tried And Tested Steps To Help Heal Your Leaky Gut

4 Tried And Tested Steps To Help Heal Your Leaky Gut

If you’re experiencing troubling digestive symptoms on a regular basis such as bloating, belching, flatulence, diarrhoea, or constipation after eating then you quite probably have a leaky gut that would benefit from some gut healing. What is a leaky gut? When we talk about gut healing, we’re talking about repairing the lining of your intestines. […]

6 Mistakes That Can Skew Your Food Intolerance Test Results

6 Mistakes That Can Skew Your Food Intolerance Test Results

Food intolerance testing can be incredibly useful when trying to identify specific foods that cause your symptoms – whether they may be bloating, diarrhoea, skin rashes, headaches, fatigue or something else. But it’s important to avoid mistakes when testing in order to avoid skewing your test results. I’ve been using food intolerance tests like these […]

A Detailed Breakdown of How Food Intolerance Tests Work

A Detailed Breakdown of How Food Intolerance Tests Work

What is the science behind food intolerance testing? When you eat, your digested food should leave the digestive system via one of two channels – ideally as a bowel movement or, less desirably, vomiting. Problems with this could mean an intolerance is present, meaning an intolerance test is on the cards. If you have intestinal […]

Actionable Insights From An Expert On Food Intolerance Testing

Actionable Insights From An Expert On Food Intolerance Testing

My name is Kate Knowler, and I’m a nutritional therapist in London. I’ve used food intolerance testing with my clients for the past 16 years in my clinic, and here are some actionable insights I would recommend following whether you’re considering doing a food intolerance test or have already done one: Before food intolerance testing: […]

Coeliac Disease The Intolerance That Isn’t An Intolerance...

Coeliac Disease – The Intolerance That Isn’t An Intolerance…

What is coeliac disease? Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease affecting the small intestine. For individuals who have coeliac, consumption of foods containing more than 20 parts per million (20ppm) or 50mg of gluten – the protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and kamut, and in oats by contamination – can result in damage […]

What I’ve learnt from 17 years of food intolerance research

What I’ve learnt from 17 years of food intolerance research

I started work as an IT professional in 1997, quickly working my way up through the ranks from the help desk to server and network support teams, establishing myself as the systems security coordinator, and then transferring into a programming role. But, as time went on, my digestion and skin got worse – I had […]