Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance - Page 11 of 24

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

What are the 3 MOST common food intolerances?

Are the big eight allergens a myth? Do we actually have an intolerance or allergy to many more things, they’re just not obvious? Are we looking in the right or wrong places? Are you taking food intolerances seriously enough? Do you know the difference between dairy intolerance and lactose intolerance? Some of these questions, only […]

Allergy testing can help you get rid of this annoying symptom!

Choosing to know everything about yourself means that you have to know what doesn’t agree with you.  Not only does this apply to things like preferences and favourites, but it also applies to you physically speaking. Specifically, food allergies and the resulting symptoms, including nausea. Having a food allergy doesn’t mean that you are weak […]

What science is involved in food allergies?

There are so many people all over the world that are suffering from allergies and intolerances, but there is a huge number in the UK and the US. The problem with food allergies, including stuff like wheat allergy, wheat intolerance and gluten intolerance, is that people don’t understand the science behind it. Focusing on the […]

What Symptoms Does a Food Intolerance Cause?

Is there anything worse than discovering that your food is making you sick? We think not. However, there are a lot of people out there who may not realise that their food is, in fact, making them sick. That, perhaps, is even worse.  Food intolerance is a whole lot more common than most people think, […]

5 Benefits You Never Knew About Intolerance Testing

There’s nothing worse than feeling sick due to the food that you’re eating.  It may surprise you, then, to discover that you are having serious health problems due to what you are eating.  Most of us attribute fatigue to, well, being tired or lazy but intolerance testing can open up more avenues… as migraines often […]

Food allergies and stress: Is there a link?

If you have one bad day or make an isolated mistake at work or in your personal life, then it can sometimes hold you back. However, this is what it can be like for many people living with food allergies, or have a family member who does. Constantly stressing and panicking about what someone is […]

5 facts which will help you deal with your yeast intolerance

Do you have a yeast intolerance? Summertime has arrived in Britain! Temperatures have exceeded the supposedly unreachable 20*C in Britain! Look outside, nearly everyone has found their summer shorts and located the nearest outside event. BBQ’s, beer gardens and exercising are all the first call, but you don’t know about the hidden dangers of eating […]