Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance - Page 13 of 24

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

What types of food intolerance are there?

Hi! You’ve landed on this page because you believe you have a food intolerance or a food allergy. You’re also probably looking for allergy testing or intolerance testing. But did you know how many types of food intolerance there are? Well, fortunately, we are able to help you with whatever issues you may be experiencing. […]

A person having an allergic reaction

These items can cause allergic reactions!

There are many ways that you can suffer from an allergic reaction. Many people worldwide suffer from various types of allergies, with symptoms varying from severe to moderate or mild. However, all agree that allergies are inconvenient, especially when you are unaware of your allergies. Allergies occur when your immune system reacts by producing antibodies […]

Your embarrassing symptoms could be a thing of the past

At some point in your life, statistics have shown that at some point, you will discover that you have a food intolerance or an allergy. And with a food intolerance/allergy, also comes some potentially embarrassing symptoms! No one likes to be embarrassed and this is why intolerance testing or allergy testing can be extremely beneficial […]

Locating your testing sample

HI there! We’ve heard you’re wanting to try allergy testing or already have done but now have some questions about locating your sample and understanding your results. A lot of customers often have some questions because they are looking to locate their sample, but we can assure you that as soon as we receive your […]

How can allergy testing help your bloated stomach

Allergy testing can help your bloated stomach, your nausea, your headaches, and your stomach issues in ways you never knew! In fact, the allergy and intolerance symptoms that you have been experiencing could actually be caused by food items and non-food items, and not merely coincidences. Think about your diet and think about the symptoms […]

How allergy testing can help you

You need to detect your allergies in order to get rid of your allergy symptoms. Especially with spring coming around, you need to know what is causing your runny nose, headaches and dizziness. Check out our article below to see how we think allergy testing can help you to have a brighter future.   Detecting […]

food items that can cause allergies including pasts, oats and rice

Coping with common allergies and intolerances

Every year, more people learn about their allergies and intolerances while others deal with their existing ones. While some allergies ad intolerances have minor symptoms, others have severe symptoms that can be life-threatening in the case of allergies. Coping with allergies and intolerances is challenging since you must ensure your diet follows specific guidelines. Food […]