Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance - Page 19 of 24

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

IBS. Diet: What are the Best Dietary Suggestions?

Many people who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome get some comfort with IBS. Diet. As an IBS sufferer, you can encounter many aspects that you might be unaware of – including the causative factors and the appropriate treatment measures for them. Experts believe that in order to maintain the condition, the symptoms should be properly […]

4 foods that are safe to eat when struggling with I.B.S

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that makes many people unable to have different kinds of eatables due to the unfavorable responses are shown by their bodies. Although some foods might pose problems, it is safer to eat many others. Find out about some of the safe foods to eat in an I.B.S Diet. […]

IBS Diet – Which Foods Should Not Be There?

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of the most discomforting conditions that often result from a poor or improper diet. Research and studies have shown that some types of foods act as a trigger for the condition and hence, must be avoided from the daily diet. Want to know more about an IBS diet and […]

5 Ways to Help to be Excited About Winter

Want to be on top form for Winter but you have been feeling a bit rough? Thankfully, here at Test Your Intolerance, we have listed 5 things which will help you to look forward to Winter. Considering an intolerance test or an allergy test? Read on to find out more.  1) You Must Identify your […]

Manage your IBS Symptoms with an Intolerance Test

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects between 6-18% of people worldwide. IBS causes loads of people a lot of stress, as they struggle to maintain their work and social life. It can cause you to have a bloated stomach and not feel okay in your body. IBS can affect your diet, your sleep and your skin […]

Dealing with Digestive Problems

Seen all around the world today are Digestive health problems. Wherever you are based, it is imperative that you understand your body and how it reacts to certain foods we eat. Perhaps one of the best ways to understand our body is to take a Food Sensitivity Test. Test Your Intolerance have highlighted some of the […]

Take a test for food intolerances to get to know your body better

There are many people in the United Kingdom who are intolerant to certain types of food. Just think about the people who have a lactose intolerance. You never know, it may even be you! The way you can find out is with a test for food intolerance. Identifying your food intolerance Of course, this is […]

7 Steps to being Allergy Free this Winter

With Winter having crept up on us, some of us may not have our house prepared for the Winter across the United Kingdom. Whether you live on your own or with your family, there are many reasons which mean your allergies and food intolerances may have gotten worse. Therefore, it is vital that you take an intolerance […]