Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance - Page 24 of 24

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

5 Signs You’re Gluten Intolerant – How to Test & Things to Avoid

Gluten intolerance is a global problem, with 1.9% of the United Kingdom population experiencing it. This figure is continuing to rise, and the most concerning fact is that most of the people with a gluten intolerance are never diagnosed. Here are five symptoms you may be experiencing if you have a gluten intolerance: Digestive Issues […]

Surviving Christmas with a Food Intolerance

The Festive Season is all about enjoying good food and spending time with your nearest and dearest.  However, if you have a food intolerance it may be a little bit trickier as you can’t enjoy the traditional turkey with all the trimmings, especially if you are intolerant to turkey!  Do you remember those awful cramps […]

How to live with pet intolerances

We intolerance test over 600 different items, ranging from tree pollen to fruits and many others in between. But sometimes there is a product which you want testing that we do not offer. What happens if you want your specific pet hair testing against your own sample to see if you are intolerant? When this happens, we […]

Flu prevention

To help you today, here are some natural ways to prevent the flu, none of which include an injection with a needle of any sort. Have a cup of hot water with lemon each morning before you have anything else. This is a great way of giving your body a shot of Vitamin C before […]

White feathers background, close-up full frame image of furry snow white contour feathers composed as soft carpet, viewed from above

Do you have an intolerance to feathers?

Feathers add a luxurious feel to everything when added to your beddings and pillows. Feathers add comfort and warmth, especially during the year’s colder months. However, there may be better ideas than having feathers in bedding for some individuals. Feather allergy means that you get specific symptoms upon inhaling or touching feathers. Feather allergy symptoms […]

Could alcohol be causing your symptoms?

What do you think when you look at this picture? Are you already looking forward to your alcohol drink later today? Unsurprisingly, there will be some people who have different reactions. Many people don’t drink because they simply don’t like it or have had a bad experience with it. Yet some people know that alcohol […]