Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance - Page 4 of 24

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

An image of a women reacting to a plate of eggs

Egg Intolerance Guide

Egg Intolerance Guide Egg intolerance is caused by the body’s inability to digest the proteins present in eggs, egg yolks, or egg whites. Egg intolerance isn’t life-threatening, but it can easily make you uncomfortable by causing gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea. An intolerance to eggs can include egg white intolerance or egg yolk intolerance. In both […]

an image of a stawberry with a caution through it

Strawberry Allergies Explained

Strawberries are a loved delight in the UK. But biting into these little bundles of sweetness can lead to adverse effects if you have a strawberry allergy. It might come as a shock to many that strawberry allergies exist, but they do. Strawberry allergy, even though uncommon, still affects a good number of people, which […]

An image of a women holding her belly with bread infront of her

What to do if you are yeast intolerant

Managing Your Yeast Intolerance  If you have discovered you have an intolerance to yeast through completing an intolerance test, it’s time to consider how to manage this intolerance moving forward. We’ve put together a guide to managing yeast intolerance, including next steps in overcoming this issue for good.   Yeast Free Diet The first thing […]

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Which is better, hair or blood testing?

Food Allergy Testing – Is Hair or Blood Testing Better? Have you decided you want to be tested for a food sensitivity, intolerance or allergy but aren’t sure how the tests work? We’re aware of the confusion surrounding tests, which is why we’ve put together this guide to bioresonance hair testing and blood testing.   […]

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Salicylates Explained

Salicylates are great in a diet, and vegetarian, vegan, and Mediterranean diets have proven this. A diet rich in salicylates lowers the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Even though salicylates have significant benefits, they aren’t that great for everyone. Some people experience salicylate intolerance, while others have salicylate allergies. Salicylates intolerance and […]

A man holding his stomach

How To Manage a Bloated Stomach After Eating

After a wonderfully delicious meal, you’re ready to relax then go on with the rest of your day being productive. But sometimes, after a meal you realise your pants become tighter and your stomach grows two sizes too big. This is a result of bloating. Sometimes bloating happens because of underlying health issues, while at […]

Imagine of a boy looking away from a tub of peanuts

Palforzia: The New Treatment For Peanut Allergy Suffers Available In UK Thanks To The NHS

Peanut allergy occurs when your body identifies peanuts as a harmful substance. When you eat anything that contains peanuts as an ingredient or peanuts themselves, your immune system comes into play. The immune system is the body’s natural defence system that fights off diseases and infections. Upon ingesting peanuts, the immune system overreacts and can […]

An image of a lateral flow test been used

Lateral Flow Test: All you need to know about our Health tests

What is a Lateral Flow Test? Lateral flow test became really popular since the starting of the pandemic and it is normally associated with COVID-19. There are different names in different countries to describe the same lateral flow test for example: LFT (lateral flow test), LFD (lateral flow device), LFA (lateral flow assay) and Rapid […]