Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance - Page 8 of 24

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

What is IgG Food Intolerance Testing?

If you’re looking to get food intolerance testing, chances are you’ll have come across a few different methods by now. One way you may have come across is ‘IgG testing’. Sounds official, but what is it? Today we’ll unveil the mystery and explain IgG food intolerance testing, and it’s efficacy. What is IgG Food Intolerance Testing? IgG […]

Can Food Intolerance Testing Help with Acne?

A part of puberty most of us hated was the way our skin had the uncanny ability to produce an endless stream of pimples. Granted, some of us had a better time of acne than others, but the vast majority remember at least having a few spots here and there. We can’t help what happens […]

How to Get Testing for Food Allergies?

Testing for food allergies is becoming more prevalent throughout the west. With research indicating it could be caused by a lack of exposure to allergens early enough in childhood. Reactions can be nasty and even life-threatening, which means that testing is more important than ever. The last thing you want is for your evening meal to end […]

Can Allergy Testing Help Eczema?

It may surprise you to hear that there’s a connection between eczema and allergies. The two may seem like two completely different issues, but there is a solid connection between them. This has prompted experts to wonder if allergy testing could help those suffering from eczema. There’s a current conversation about the connection between eczema […]

Do I Have Seasonal Allergies or a Cold?

Are you wondering if your recent sniffles are the result of seasonal allergies? If the drop in temperature has left you feeling under the weather, seasonal allergies could be the culprit. We’re all aware of the springtime allergies than many are afflicted with come April, but we talk about winter allergies are far less.  They’re […]

How to identify Caffeine Intolerance

There aren’t many people who can get through their mornings without some form of a caffeine-infused drink. Whether your vice is coffee, tea or energy drinks, we’re all fans of the magical effect of caffeine. But for this intolerant to caffeine, it’s a different story. It ruins their mornings and wreaks havoc in their digestive […]

Why you should grow your own fruit and veg

If you’re on the fence about growing your own food, we can give you a hand in tipping the scales. We’ve put together a case for why you should opt for homegrown fruit and vegetables over store-bought. Fresher Food has a Better Taste The fresher the produce, the better the taste. Have you ever tried […]

Why Choose Food Intolerance Testing?

There are a lot of tests out there that can help make your life better. Some of them are more obvious than others. If you’re looking for a test that will help you enjoy a better quality of life in more ways than you could imagine, you’ll want to try food intolerance testing. Not only […]