Intolerances Archives - Test Your Intolerance

Category: Intolerances

Living Life With A Wheat Intolerance

Living Life With A Wheat Intolerance

Living with a wheat intolerance or allergy is among the most challenging food intolerances – especially in Western nations. Wheat is a staple food in the UK, found in bread, pasta, baked goods, couscous, and even soy sauce and ice cream. In fact, 99.8% of British households buy bread, and nearly 11 million loaves are […]

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Food Intolerance Symptoms Explained

Food Intolerance Symptoms Explained

Food intolerances have risen in recent years even more than food allergies. For example, a UK survey conducted in 2020 showed that approximately 32% of the participants suffer from lactose intolerance, which was the highest percentage compared to other food allergies. Due to the rising number of individuals with food intolerance, it’s approximated that 20% […]

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Top 8 Groundbreaking IgG-Mediated Food Intolerances Studies

Top 8 Groundbreaking IgG-Mediated Food Intolerances Studies

Testing IgG-mediated antibodies to identify food intolerances is a subject that has been much debated in both the scientific and the nutrition communities over the years – this is an emerging field that is still being researched and, while there are studies supporting the use of food intolerance tests, there are also others suggest interpreting […]

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Identifying Common Food Intolerance Symptoms

Identifying Common Food Intolerance Symptoms: Your Guide

Food intolerance and sensitivities are on the rise and affect many undiagnosed people worldwide. Unlike food allergies, food intolerance doesn’t cause severe symptoms; sometimes, people overlook the IBS symptoms they suffer from, which are a sign of food intolerance. Food intolerance or sensitivity often means that your gut is sensitive to certain foods and can’t […]

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Gluten Intolerance Testing A Guide

Gluten Intolerance Testing: A Guide

Gluten intolerance is a condition where your body is unable to digest gluten. Most times, gluten intolerance is mistaken for celiac disease. These two are different in many ways, but the main way is that celiac disease is an autoimmune condition, while gluten intolerance isn’t. Gluten intolerance affects the digestive tract causing digestive symptoms because […]

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The Dos And Don'ts Of Dining Out With Food Intolerances

The Dos And Don’ts Of Dining Out With Food Intolerances

“Would you like to come round for dinner?” For people with food intolerances, few things trigger more anxiety than this question. Years of bad experiences – either dining out or with friends – leave people with immense hesitation to accept an invitation. Almost inevitably, the restaurant or your host serves up a dish you can’t […]

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6 Mistakes That Can Skew Your Food Intolerance Test Results

6 Mistakes That Can Skew Your Food Intolerance Test Results

Food intolerance testing can be incredibly useful when trying to identify specific foods that cause your symptoms – whether they may be bloating, diarrhoea, skin rashes, headaches, fatigue or something else. But it’s important to avoid mistakes when testing in order to avoid skewing your test results. I’ve been using food intolerance tests like these […]

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A Detailed Breakdown of How Food Intolerance Tests Work

A Detailed Breakdown of How Food Intolerance Tests Work

What is the science behind food intolerance testing? When you eat, your digested food should leave the digestive system via one of two channels – ideally as a bowel movement or, less desirably, vomiting. Problems with this could mean an intolerance is present, meaning an intolerance test is on the cards. If you have intestinal […]

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