Our Weekly Blogs | Test Your Intolerance

Intolerance Blog

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Crohn’s Awareness Week: What you need to know

Crohn’s disease is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease which can have a significant impact on a person’s health-related quality of life. There has been significant research which has suggested that the stigma of dealing with Crohn’s disease is likely to affect coping responses. The same can be said for IBS symptoms and food intolerances, as they […]

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Why are more people suffering from allergies than before?

A lot of people keep asking us why allergies and intolerances are becoming a lot more common than they used to be. Is it a case that they are becoming more popular, or simply a fact that more people are now able to identify them! Discovering your intolerances has never been more important, which is […]

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Waiting for Winter: The best foods for you

What do you need to boost your immune system and keep your health tip-top over the Winter months? Check out this blog from Test Your Intolerance on the best ways to make sure you are best equipped to stay healthy. It will help you to cope with many of your symptoms, including a headache, bloated […]

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Healthy food selection: food sources of omega 3 and unsaturated fats, fruits, vegetables, seeds, superfoods with high vitamin e

Healthy Food Swaps just for you!

You’re in the right place if you’re trying to emulate a healthier lifestyle in this new season. Getting healthier swaps for your normally greasy food, often filled with refined sugar, can help you feel a lot better, boost your energy and support your mental health. You may also be looking for healthy food swaps after […]

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The struggle of living with a Bloated Stomach

Pain in the intestines, discomfort, bursting from the inside, gases – all this brings huge inconveniences. But if some people have this problem episodically, then others suffer from bloated stomach continuously. What is the reason for the constant bad feeling? In fact, the cause of a bloated stomach can be, as different diseases, and poor nutrition. At the […]

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What is causing your bloat and how can you stop it?

At Test Your Intolerance, we know that people often suffer from bloating. You are probably wondering what is causing your bloated stomach, especially as you know you are not pregnant and you haven’t gained weight. But what is going on? Take a look below at some of the more common causes and remedies, as further […]

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What you need to know about lactose intolerance!

Lactose intolerance is a lack or low level of lactase in the body which makes it difficult to digest dairy foods because they have a sugar called lactose. It varies from person to person with different tolerance levels of lactose depending on your form of lactose intolerance. Lactase Lactase is an enzyme produced in the […]

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Gluten-Free: Is it meant to be?

According to the Daily Mail, one in 40 supposedly gluten-free foods are now packed with various ingredients and it turns out that some of these could, in fact, be dangerous to those who suffer from Coeliac Disease. The topic of gluten-free foods and the ingredients within them is certainly becoming a hot topic, and Test […]

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Allergy Statistics and Food Intolerance Testing

If you are experiencing symptoms such as skin rashes, IBS, Diarrhoea or constant headaches then it is likely you have an intolerance or allergy to a certain item. If it is food related then please consider food intolerance testing, but if you rule out a food intolerance and suspect it may be an allergy then […]

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Food intolerances: Your Health starts from the Inside

The notion that comes after reading the phrase ‘food intolerances’ is explanatory in itself, someone who is not tolerant of a particular food item. But many people confuse the food intolerance with food allergy. The former means that body gives some negative result from a normal diet that we eat. Eating food that you are […]

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Gluten free flour and cereals millet, quinoa, corn bread, brown buckwheat, rice, bread and pasta with text gluten free

A potential coeliac disease cure that is so pure

Coeliac disease is a prominent condition that has led to gluten-free diets being internationally recognized and pursued by many. Coeliac disease occurs when your immune system attacks your tissues upon consuming foods with gluten. This disease is an adverse reaction to gluten. Gluten is mainly found in three types of cereals, which are rye, wheat, […]

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Blood Intolerance Testing has Arrived!

Yes, you read that right! Blood Intolerance testing has arrived and you can order yours from Test Your Intolerance today. What does the elite blood test offer? It tests your IgG4 levels to see whether or not you have an intolerance to any of the food items which you commonly consume. Furthermore, you can get […]

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