
The science Behind IgE Testing

More and more people are struggling with allergies and sensitivities than ever before. Whether it’s genetics, food choices or simply “luck of the draw”, parents are having to educate themselves on the world of food intolerances, food sensitivities and classic food allergies. The science that backs that all up is IgE testing.

What is IgE testing?

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) testing is a process in which a small amount of blood is taken and analyzed for this antibody. When IgE is present, it means that the body is producing it in reaction to a food-related sensitivity or intolerance, etc. The amount of this antibody in your system is what will determine how strong the sensitivity is to the food that you are eating. IgE is present in your blood as the body reacts against something that it determines to be dangerous. When someone is predisposed to be sensitive to something, the reaction will be bigger and stronger. If IgE is present in the blood, it means that the body is, in fact attacking the perceived allergen, etc. when it comes into contact with the body.

How does IgE testing work?

You can receive a few kinds of IgE testing. The two main camps are: total IgE testing and specific IgE testing. The total IgE testing is where your blood is assessed in its total amounts in your body. This is often used to determine if someone has the potential to be sensitive to certain food allergens, etc. A specific IgE test is when the levels of this antibody are tested against certain food allergens or sensitivities that are known to cause reactions. This can also be done with other allergens such as mold or grass, etc. In modern day allergen, sensitivity, and intolerance testing, this has replaced a lot of the outdated methods that were not able to be as precise on the allergen or even how bad the reaction is. There are IgE-mediated reactions (examples include: flushing, difficulty breathing, wheezing and standard anaphylaxis symptoms and non-IgE-mediated reactions (rashes and other “topical” reactions). You can also have mixed reactions. A prime example of a mixed allergy is a “contact” allergy that create a reaction on touch, and a reaction when ingested.

Why is IgE testing important?

Since IgE testing is done to help diagnose allergies, intolerances and sensitivities, its use is important in helping ensure quality of life for those who are unknowingly struggling with these issues. It can demystify strange symptoms, help understand the severity of the reactions, and, of course, highlight what it is that is creating the reaction in the first place. It’s thought to be critical when dealing with food-related sensitivities. In terms of the science, IgE testing is thought be more advanced than a lot of the options out there. There are more and more studies being done to determine just how useful it is so that it can help more children and adults start to understand their sensitivities and how food interacts with their bodies. To purchase your test please visit our tests.

Author: Kate Young, BSc, Lab Manager

Kate Young joined Test Your Intolerance in 2020 after working in private laboratories in Japan for 15 years as a Clinical Bio Scientist and embryologist. As Lab Manager, Kate works on IVDR and GLP accreditation.

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