
Super Foods - Asparagus

Super Foods - Asparagus
Asparagus is a nutritionally rich vegetable in two main colours, white and green. The green variety is more available than the white one. The difference between these two types of asparagus is that the green-coloured one is harvested when it's above ground, while the white variety is harvested when it's underground. The white variety is favoured in Europe. Asparagus is grown worldwide and is a vegetable widely served in many restaurants. this vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals, offering the body various benefits. Even though it's a rich vegetable with many benefits, it can't be confused with Asparagi radix, a Traditional Chinese Medicine is used to nourish the lungs and stomach. Asparagi radix is also used to help manage vertigo and soreness caused by kidney deficiency. Asparagus is the perfect vegetable, considering it's low in calories and fat. Asparagus is best consumed when fresh and lightly cooked. When picking this vegetable, ensure you choose ones with closed, compact, and tight heads. To test for freshness, ensure it snaps when bent. To cook asparagus, trim the bottom end and thoroughly wash the spears before cooking them. It is best to consume asparagus the same day it is purchased. However, to store it, keep it covered in the refrigerator. Alternatively, dip its roots in two inches of water when standing upright. The earlier consumed after purchase, the better.

Health benefits of asparagus

Asparagus is labelled as a superfood because it offers many nutritional and health benefits.

Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are helpful in protecting cells against the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress—oxidation results in ageing, and chronic inflammation, among other diseases. Asparagus is a vegetable full of antioxidants, including vitamin E, glutathione, and vitamin C. It's also rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. The colour of asparagus, especially the purple variety, gives you anthocyanins. Alternatively, anthocyanins consumption can help reduce chronic diseases like blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Consuming asparagus with other vegetables increases your consumption of antioxidants, promoting overall good health.

Supports a healthy pregnancy

Asparagus is a good source of B9, also known as folate. Folate is essential for pregnant women. This nutrient helps form red blood cells and produce DNA for the healthy growth and development of the fetus. Mothers must have sufficient levels of folate during early pregnancy. When pregnant mothers get adequate folate levels, it protects their babies against neural tubes like spina bifida. Good folate sources are left green vegetables and fruits. Neural tube defects can cause a lot of trouble, like a lack of bowel and bladder control, learning difficulties, and physical disabilities. Pregnant women are encouraged to start their folate supplements as soon as possible to prevent such issues.


Even though asparagus hasn't been tested for weight loss, it contains various properties that point towards that benefit. This vegetable is very low in calories, meaning you can consume lots without fearing you've had too many calories. Asparagus also contains a lot of water. It typically is 94% water, and research shows that consuming foods that are water-rich and low in calories often results in weight loss. The vegetable is also rich in fibre which is another important factor that helps contribute to weight loss as it increases satiety levels.Asparagus typically contains 94% water, and only half a cup of asparagus gives you around 6% of your daily potassium requirement.

Blood pressure

High blood pressure is a concern as it affects over a billion people worldwide and increases the risk of heart disease. Lowering blood pressure requires one to increase their potassium intake and lower salt intake. Potassium lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood vessel walls and excreting excess salt through urine. Half a cup of asparagus gives you around 6% of your daily potassium requirement. Eating potassium-rich foods is a great way to keep your blood pressure in check.

Digestive Health

Fibre is good for digestive health, and half a cup of asparagus contains 1,8 grams of fibre which meets around 7% of your daily fibre needs. Asparagus contains insoluble fibre. Insoluble fibre tends to dissolve in water, forming a gel-like substance in the gastrointestinal tract that adds bulk to stool and supports regular bowel movements. Soluble fibre also feeds your good gut bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This ensures you have good gut health. It also strengthens your body's immunity. You not only meet your fibre requirements by eating asparagus, but you also keep your digestive tract healthy.

Prevents urinary tract infections

Asparagus is a diuretic that can be useful in preventing urinary tract infections. Consuming more asparagus means it will work by increasing urine volume, which flushes out bacteria in the urinary tract. So, you can constantly consume this vegetable to flush out bacteria from your system.

Brain function

Asparagus contains vitamin E, which is good for the brain as it prevents cognitive decline. Older adults often suffer from cognitive decline, and consuming a diet rich in vitamin E can prevent this from happening sooner. Final thoughts Asparagus is a nutritionally dense vegetable that can help boost immunity and prevent certain nutritional deficiencies. You must cook it lightly to prevent it from losing its amazing properties. However, if you suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms every time you consume asparagus, you should take an Intolerance Test to check if you may have asparagus intolerance. If you do, it's wise to either consume it in small amounts that the body can handle or consume other vegetables rich in nutrients and vitamins.

Author: Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip., Nutritionist / Care Manager

Donna has a diploma in Advanced Holistic Nutrition and 10 years customer service experience so is perfect as the Customer Care Manager, who manages the 24/7 team for global support.

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