How Healthy are Eggs? | Test Your Intolerance

Eggs are packed with vital nutrients that make them count as a superfood. These nutrients in eggs can help you maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Eggs are a cheap way of ensuring you consume a balanced diet on a budget. 

However, eggs can be a menace to you and even be life-threatening if you have an egg allergy. To be aware of this, you must take an Allergy Test, which will test for all common allergens in your environment, food, and drinks. If you suffer from an allergy to eggs, you must avoid this source of protein. 

Eggs have been demonised in the past alongside many other essential foods. The one thing that makes eggs get a bad rep is their cholesterol levels. An egg contains 212mg of cholesterol which is relatively high compared to other “healthy” foods. 

However, there are two types of cholesterol “good” HDL cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol. Eggs can raise your HDL cholesterol and change your LDL cholesterol. 

Since eggs are so nutritious, in the past, they’ve been labelled as “nature’s multivitamin”. They contain antioxidants and nutrients that people are often deficient in. Consuming eggs also provides you with 13 essential vitamins and nutrients. Additionally, they also contain omega-3 fatty acids

Eggs are, therefore, necessary for muscle building and maintaining eye health. Due to the powerhouse, they’re therefore essential for our bodily functions. 

Why are eggs considered a superfood?

The nutritional profile of eggs is unique hence why it’s a superfood. Eggs, when consumed, provide a complete source of all nine essential amino acids and proteins that our bodies can’t produce on their own. 

A standard egg contains around 6 grams of protein necessary for the body’s repair, muscle growth and maintenance. Eggs also contain healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils. These oils are crucial for heart health. An egg typically includes 5g of fats, mostly unsaturated fats. 

If you’re following a low-carb diet, eggs are a good addition as they contain less than 1 gram of carbohydrates. They also have vitamin A, essential for eye health, cell growth, and immune function. Consuming an egg covers 6% of your daily vitamin A requirement. 

Eggs contain vitamin B complex, including B2, B5, B9, and B12. The body requires these vitamins for red blood cell production, energy metabolism, and nerve system function. 

Eggs are among the few foods containing vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for immunity function, calcium absorption, and bone health. Consuming one egg provides 12% of your daily vitamin D requirement. 

Did You Know eggs are superfoods?

An egg can also provide 3% of your daily vitamin E requirement. This vitamin protects your cells from oxidative stress and promotes immune function. 

An egg also contains minerals like iron (3% of your daily requirement), calcium (2% of your daily requirement), selenium (28% of your daily requirement), and phosphorus (9% of your daily requirement).

The antioxidants present in this superfood include choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin are necessary for your eye health and lower the risk of cataracts and egg-related macular damage. Choline, on the other hand, helps with brain function, memory, and overall cognitive health.

What are the benefits of eating eggs?

There are many benefits to consuming this superfood. These include:

It may help with weight loss.

Eggs are filling and can make you feel fuller for longer, reducing your ability to consume more calories. Since they contain less than a gram of carbohydrates, you shouldn’t fear them raising your blood glucose levels. 

In a study, overweight adults were given two bagels or eggs for breakfast. After eight weeks, the group that ate eggs experienced 65% more, 61% reduction in BMI, 24% reduction in weight circumference, and 16% reduction in body fat.

Even though both groups of study participants had the same amount of calories for breakfast, there was an immense difference. Since eggs contain high levels of proteins, these ensure you feel fuller for longer. Low carbohydrate levels in eggs also show that they’re low in glycemic index, which can help you control blood sugar levels by preventing spikes. They’re a good meal for those with diabetes.

It may improve heart health.

Even though eggs are high in cholesterol, it’s not the wrong kind of cholesterol. These breakfast favourites are good for increasing HDL cholesterol levels which is good for you. Many studies have examined how this superfood can increase your risk of heart disease, and no associations have been found between those two

Since eggs contain healthy fats and antioxidants, they can reduce inflammation. Lower inflammation levels in the body can decrease the risk of certain chronic illnesses like diabetes and some types of cancer and improve heart health.

It may improve brain health.

Choline is a nutrient that’s grouped chiefly with the B-complex vitamins. It’s also an essential nutrient for human health; the body uses it for various vital processes. It’s necessary for synthesising the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and is also a component of cell membranes. 

Low choline levels in the body can result in liver disease, neurological disorders, and heart disease. Pregnant women need this nutrient as its deficiency may result in neural tube defects, leading to decreased cognitive function in babies. 

The best dietary sources of choline are egg yolks and beef liver. Most pregnant women are deficient in this essential nutrient and must consume it more. 

Contains high-quality proteins

Proteins are essential in the body as they’re the building blocks serving structural and functional purposes. This superfood is the perfect source of proteins since they contain all essential amino acids. 

Your body needs about 21 amino acids to build its proteins. The body can’t produce nine amino acids on its own, and you need your diet to give it to you. Eggs are the perfect source of proteins since they contain all these primary acids in the right amounts.

It may help with eye health.

Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are present in their yolks. These antioxidants accumulate in the retina and protect the eye from harmful sunlight. Lutein and zeaxanthin also significantly reduce the risks of macular degeneration and cataracts which are the leading cause of vision impairment. 

It may promote bone health.

Since eggs contain vitamin D, they help build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. Eggs also have phosphorus which leads to bone mineralisation and is suitable for overall bone health. 

It may improve hair and skin health.

Besides eggs being packed with essential vitamins and nutrients that can promote good health, eggs also contain lecithin in the yolks, which encourages hair growth making hair silky and smooth. 

Since eggs contain biotin and protein, these prevent hair breakage by conditioning the scalp. It also provides nourishment and texture to damaged hair. Egg whites, rich in proteins, are suitable for the skin. They can tighten it, boost its repair and remove excess oil and acne. 

Eggs also hydrate and soften the skin and protect it from discolouration. Lutein and zeaxanthin also help protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

Are eggs the superfood you need in your diet?

Eggs are a fantastic addition to any meal, especially breakfast. There are varying ways to cook eggs and consume them daily. When picking eggs to consume, it is necessary to consider how the birds were raised. Conventional eggs from caged birds fed a standard diet may be less nutritious than other eggs. 

It’s also essential to be aware of your allergies. Egg allergies are standard. Before incorporating it into your diet, you can take an Allergy Test to know if you have an egg allergy. If you have an allergy to eggs, you’ll need to find other sources of all those essential nutrients and vitamins found in eggs.

Find out if you are intolerant to eggs with our comprehensive test of 600 items.