
4 Foods to Stop Your Bloating

Making sure that you’re always eating right tends to take a lot of effort. It requires time and effort and meal preparation. Yet, even all of that aside, you still may find that you are dealing with a bloated stomach. If you want some support in getting that flat stomach — or the bloat-free equivalent — here are some food options that you can look at to help you cut the bloating for good.

What causes bloating?

As you’ll find out, there are some foods that will make everyone and anyone feel bloated. However, it’s also possible that you have an undiagnosed food allergy that is causing bloating. Unless you’ve had food allergy testing before to rule it out (including different types of testing), it could be worthwhile to take a look at getting a food allergy test done to see whether an allergy is, indeed, a culprit.

4 foods to cut out:

Once you’ve determined if you have an allergy — or ruled it out, if not — there are all sorts of foods that you can cut out or limit to help you avoid bloating in your day to day life. Some of the most popular bloating foods include:

1) Carbonated drinks:

We all love our carbonated and sugary drinks, but it’s important to know that anything that is carbonated may make you feel bloated. Since carbonation is from little gas bubbles, those glass bubbles will go from the bottle or can, into your stomach. When they are trapped there, you’ll often look and feel bloated as a result.

2) Sugar-free alternatives:

Since we know that sugar is bad for us when we eat too much of it, it’s commonly assumed that going for sugar-free alternatives is going to be better for us. While it isn’t false, the use of sugar alcohol can lead to serious bloating. So, if you need to go sugar-free, try to reduce it only a small amount.

3) Sodium-rich foods:

Sodium is one of the worst options for bloating, which is part of why fast food and chips or popcorn are the worst for it. Try to go with sodium-reduced foods, or even sodium-free if you can find it. You’ll find it very helpful in the reduction of bloating.

4) Be wary of “gassy” foods:

Beans and other green vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts, are bad for bloating. That doesn’t mean that you can’t eat them, though. Just limit the amount you have and gradually work your way up.

Eat smaller meals:

You also may be bloating just because you’re eating a meal that is too much for your stomach to digest, leading to gas and bloating. Try eating smaller meals, and don’t be afraid to eat healthy snacks if you Stomach issues like a bloated stomach are a sign of a food intoleranceneed to get yourself through to your next meal. Stopping bloating its tracks doesn’t mean taking all of the joy out of your diet. It just means understanding where the bloating is coming from and how to deal with it. To find out more about your bloated stomach and what you can do about it, check out and pick up your test today.

Author: Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip., Nutritionist / Care Manager

Donna has a diploma in Advanced Holistic Nutrition and 10 years customer service experience so is perfect as the Customer Care Manager, who manages the 24/7 team for global support.

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