Food sensitivities involve many varied forms of sensitivities to various eatables. These can arise for various reasons, which can make it complex and often confusing for people. These often occur due to toxic responses of the body to various foods and can be categorized into two types - Food Intolerances and Allergic Responses.
Food Sensitivity Symptoms
If your child seems to be having swollen lips or skin, diarrhea, bloating or other problems due to no other apparent reason, he could be having a sensitivity to one or more foods. The best way to avoid food sensitivities in your child is to avoid the trigger food items. Here are 5 common food sensitivities that your child may have.
1) Peanuts
These are one of the commonest foods that kids are found to be allergic to. Even when children do not actually suffer from peanut allergy, they could be suffering from peanut sensitivity. Peanuts actually fall in the category of legumes and are not true nuts. Digestive problems and respiratory issues are some of the main symptoms of a peanut sensitivity.
2) Shellfish
Your child might be also having a sensitivity to shellfishes, such as Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Shrimp, Scallops and Lobster. Shellfishes are at the top of allergenic foods for people. The allergenic response occurs due to the presence of proteins that are present in this category of marine creatures.
3) Wheat
Sensitivity to wheat can occur due to a reaction to Gluten, a type of protein that can be found in wheat as well as rye and barley. It should be avoided entirely by children who suffer from celiac disease. Reports indicate that sensitivity to gluten could be the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in a few kids and grown-ups. Gluten is anecdotally suspected to be a causative factor for various behavioral and health problems. Remember, various types of bread contain gluten.
4) Corn
The corn that children eat today is a lot different from what one used to have even five decades back. Research has shown that corn is one of the top eatables that contribute to the symptoms of IBS. It is difficult to eliminate corn from daily meals, given that it is presently an ingredient of numerous processed foods as high fructose corn syrup. It is important for you to read labels with a lot of care.
FODMAPs happen to be specific carbohydrates present in many common foods that are poorly absorbed, osmotic and fermentable, leading to digestive problems in a few individuals. Research shows that having a diet low in FODMAP foods such as nectarines, cherries, and apples can reduce the symptoms of IBS in around 75% individuals who suffer from the condition. If your child is found to be having IBS, you can try a full elimination diet removing all the FODMAPs or use an alternative diet.
6) Animal meats
Livestock that is raised conventionally are provided with soy and corn as the main feed sources, rather than feeding them pasture grasses. They are also administered antibiotics and hormones, which can potentially affect the meat products that children eat – whether it comes to lamb, pork or beef.
Worried that you may have a food intolerance? You should check out in order to find out more. Our Customer Service advisors are available on LiveChat and will be happy to help you with any issues which may arise.