Suspect you may have a food allergy or an intolerance due to a bloated stomach? Scroll down to see how you can identify if you have a food intolerance and what you need to know about an intolerance.
Watch out for your favourite foods
Let's think about those foods that you absolutely love. Do you eat them almost every week, or even every day and then feel a bloated stomach or break out in a skin rash? You could have developed an intolerance to these foods. Your bloated stomach will appear almost every time you eat these foods, but if it is an intolerance, it might not show itself until up to 72 hours after you have consumed that food item.
Could bread be related to a bloated stomach?
So, you've always enjoyed bread, but next time you eat bread you experience a bloated stomach. Could it have been the bread? It is almost definitely possible so it is important you make sure you eat.
You need to make sure it is not an allergy, as this could be life-threatening. If it is an intolerance, it can still affect your life, but it is very unlikely that it will be life-threatening. It may simply mean that you have overindulged on a certain food, but it is always best to find out.
When do they develop?
Food intolerance can develop at any point in your lifetime, but an allergy will tend to develop during childhood. Early exposure to allergies and intolerances often resolves allergies during childhood, but they can resurface later. And, at any point in your life, you can develop new food allergies (be careful!) or food intolerances (these can cause a bloated stomach, headaches or a runny nose).
There is a difference
Although the words "allergy" and "intolerance" are often used as though they are the same, it is important to know that they are not. They are actually significantly different, and getting the right diagnosis ensures that you follow the correct treatment plan. If you think you may have an allergy, we recommend you must consult your doctor immediately. If you want to identify whether your intolerance symptoms are caused by food intolerance, then please order your intolerance test here.
For more information on food intolerances, please log on to and our Customer Service advisors will be delighted to help you with any assistance that you require.