Celebrating Culinarian's Day And Nurturing Food Creativity

One of the tastiest holidays is one that you don’t hear about often: Culinarian’s Day. This special holiday draws attention to the talented culinary professionals who make it their job to make our plates look and taste amazing. Food is more about what it looks like and tastes like, though. It’s also a big area for safety and innovation about food allergies and food intolerances. If you get allergy and intolerance testing, you may feel as though you are restricted. But this doesn’t have to be the case! An allergy or intolerance diagnosis can be the perfect opportunity to enjoy even more kitchen creativity. Delve deeper into Culinarian's Day and Take a look for yourself!
What is allergy-friendly cuisine?
So, if professional culinarians can do it, the everyday attentive parent can do it, too. It starts with a detailed understanding of what allergy-friendly cuisine is. It’s a diet plan adjusted around food allergies and food intolerances. As such, allergy and intolerance testing should be the first step to getting accurate detail, you need to do this.
Sometimes allergy-friendly cooking is simple. It could be swapping out eggs for water or applesauce. It may mean cornmeal instead of breadcrumbs. It might involve relying on almond butter instead of peanut butter.
It comes down to understanding where the food triggers are and how to avoid them for everyone’s safety.
What is allergy-friendly cuisine?
So, if professional culinarians can do it, the everyday attentive parent can do it, too. It starts with a detailed understanding of what allergy-friendly cuisine is. It’s a diet plan adjusted around food allergies and food intolerances. As such, allergy and intolerance testing should be the first step to getting accurate detail, you need to do this.
Sometimes allergy-friendly cooking is simple. It could be swapping out eggs for water or applesauce. It may mean cornmeal instead of breadcrumbs. It might involve relying on almond butter instead of peanut butter.
It comes down to understanding where the food triggers are and how to avoid them for everyone’s safety.

Author: Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip., Nutritionist / Care Manager
Donna has a diploma in Advanced Holistic Nutrition and 10 years customer service experience so is perfect as the Customer Care Manager, who manages the 24/7 team for global support.
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