
Discovering your Food Intolerances

Food intolerance is the name given to a form of food sensitivity. However, it is not actually a Food Allergy. In food intolerance, the symptoms usually take more time to be apparent. The onset usually arises some hours after an offending compound or food is ingested and can persist for quite a few hours or even for days.

Discover your food intolerance

Some types of fruits such as kiwi and citrus, soy, wheat, seafood, nuts, eggs, milk etc are a few foods that commonly result in food allergies. Food intolerance tests aid in detecting IgG antibodies to over 200 food varieties in a single test with small blood samples. Find out below how a food intolerance can benefit you.

The absence of an enzyme

Enzymes are required for complete food digestion. Proper digestion can be affected in case a few of the enzymes are not enough or missing. Those who happen to be lactose intolerant lack sufficient lactase, the enzyme degrading lactose into smaller molecules to make it easier for the body to further break them down for intestinal absorption. If lactose stays on in the digestive tract, there can be issues such as gas, diarrhea, bloating and more.

Chemical factors

Food intolerance can result from some types of chemicals in beverages and foods. These include caffeine in chocolates, tea or coffee, amines in a few kinds of cheese etc. Some individuals have more susceptibility to such chemicals as compared to others. An intolerance test can help determine whether chemical factors are at work.


A few foods contain chemicals that occur naturally in them. These can have a poisonous impact on humans, which can result in vomiting, nausea, and diarrhoea. There are aflatoxins present in undercooked beans that can lead to very discomforting digestive issues. The toxin is not present in beans that are cooked fully. Thus, patients might wonder why they show a reaction to beans after a meal, and not after some other meal.


In some foods, histamine tends to occur naturally. Fishes and some other foods have not been properly stored and there can be a buildup of histamine as these degrade. Many people are especially sensitive to this histamine that occurs naturally, and develop nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and skin rashes. The signs and symptoms are often akin to anaphylaxis, which produces a robust allergic reaction.


These can be found in numerous foods. Salicylate intolerance, which is also referred to as salicylate sensitivity, happens when an individual shows some response to normal salicylate amounts that are ingested. Salicylates are salicylic acid derivatives and these are naturally present in plants in the form of a defense system against diseases, insects, fungi and more.

Salicylates can be found in the majority of plant-sourced foods, which include most vegetables and fruits, flavor additives, tea, herbs, spices etc. There are especially high levels of this chemical in citrus fruits, berries, tomato sauce, and mint-flavouring. Salicylates are also usually present richly in processed foods consisting of flavor additives. Food intolerance test also helps find out whether a patient is suffering from intolerance to Salicylate.

Do you want to know more about living with a food intolerance? Then you can talk with our Customer Service advisors on via LiveChat as you find out more.

Author: Kate Young, BSc, Lab Manager

Kate Young joined Test Your Intolerance in 2020 after working in private laboratories in Japan for 15 years as a Clinical Bio Scientist and embryologist. As Lab Manager, Kate works on IVDR and GLP accreditation.

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