
Food Intolerance Test Near Me

Food Intolerance Test Near Me
Around 25% of households in the UK have at least one individual who suffers from a food intolerance. Symptoms can range from mild to incredibly severe, and you may even have a specific food intolerance without being overly aware of it. In an effort to reduce the number of symptoms they experience, some people opt to make drastic changes to their diet to help pinpoint what intolerances they might have. However, this method isn’t scientifically accurate, and you’ll never be 100% certain you’ve found the exact issue. Instead, you may want to find somewhere nearby to take an intolerance test to get to the root of the problem, as without a comprehensive test, it will only ever be a best guess.

How do food intolerance tests work?

Testing for food intolerance couldn’t be simpler. One way of testing is by taking a small blood sample and monitoring the antibody reactions to certain foods to see what could be triggering your immune system response. This type of intolerance screening is highly accurate. Alternatively, a test can be done by taking just one strand of your hair and analysing its reactions to a particular food and drink ingredient. These non-invasive hair tests use bioresonance technology and are a simple way of discovering what your body finds disruptive. Once the test is complete, and you’ve discovered the problem, it’s merely a case of adjusting your diet accordingly and removing the items that your body finds intolerant. This will prevent those nasty symptoms from reoccurring in the future.

How do I find a food intolerance test near me?

Doctor and patient Just like there are a wide variety of food intolerances, there are also a number of different ways to test for one. Many will instinctively reach out to their local GP. However, most medical professionals will first urge you to monitor your diet, and it can be a timely process overall. Instead, by taking a quick and simple home test, you’ll be able to cut out any waiting time. A test from Test Your Intolerance can be done from anywhere in the world and they are super convenient due to the fact you don’t need to visit a surgery or testing centre. Instead of searching Google for 'a food intolerance test near me', you can easily order a home test kit via our website and get the results back within no time. For over ten years, Test Your Intolerance have been providing testing for a range of food intolerances. We offer a swift and straightforward solution for identifying any issue, in order to relieve symptoms through positive dietary changes. Our tests are available to purchase via PayPal, Debit, Google Pay and Apple Pay, so there’s nothing to hold you back. Order yours today for quick and conclusive results.

Author: Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip., Nutritionist / Care Manager

Donna has a diploma in Advanced Holistic Nutrition and 10 years customer service experience so is perfect as the Customer Care Manager, who manages the 24/7 team for global support.

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