
IBS Diet – Which Foods Should Not Be There?

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of the most discomforting conditions that often result from a poor or improper diet. Research and studies have shown that some types of foods act as a trigger for the condition and hence, must be avoided from the daily diet. Want to know more about an IBS diet and dealing with IBS, then please read below.

Learning about your IBS Diet

After a person tests positive in an Intolerance Test or Nutritional Test for IBS food allergies and sensitivities, a physician usually recommends an elimination of these trigger eatables to determine whether the suspected foods are the causes for the condition. Find out about the various categories of food items that you should avoid and eliminate from your IBS diet.

1) Meat

Meat products are among the biggest causes of IBS. This includes all types of meat items, other than skinless white poultry meat and fishes. Some of the biggest IBS trigger meat foods are the cold cuts, and you should avoid having them at all costs. These often have nitrates used in the form of a preservative. Cold cuts are also rich in monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is known to be a trigger for IBS. A proper IBS diet eliminates meats.

2) Egg Yolks

Egg yolks, just like dairy products, have high amounts of arachidonic acid. It is the same ingredient that makes meat products so inflammatory. Nonetheless, in case you wish to have eggs, you only need to consume the whites. The high amount of fat in egg yolks leads to violent colon and gastrointestinal spasms and can trigger diarrhea. The high amount of animal protein, along with low water content and a lack of fiber, can result in acute constipation – which is one of the most common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

3) Dairy products

You need to avoid the intake of dairy products in an IBS diet for several reasons. These can trigger the symptoms of IBS owing to the high amount of fat. Dairy products may also trigger attacks even in case you are not really lactose intolerant. Dairy items are also known to boost the production of cytokine, which results in swelling all through the body. These also have the milk protein known as casein, and its consumption makes the body form histamines, which leads to the production of an excessive amount of mucus.

Those with IBS are often told to have yogurt for restoring the level of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Fermentation might reduce the level of lactose in yogurt, but it is still rich in casein and whey, and you need to avoid these by following a strict IBS diet.

If you would like to know more about an intolerance test, please chat with our Customer Service advisors on

Author: Kate Young, BSc, Lab Manager

Kate Young joined Test Your Intolerance in 2020 after working in private laboratories in Japan for 15 years as a Clinical Bio Scientist and embryologist. As Lab Manager, Kate works on IVDR and GLP accreditation.

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