
The struggle of living with a Bloated Stomach

Pain in the intestines, discomfort, bursting from the inside, gases - all this brings huge inconveniences. But if some people have this problem episodically, then others suffer from bloated stomach continuously.

What is the reason for the constant bad feeling? In fact, the cause of a bloated stomach can be, as different diseases, and poor nutrition. At the same time, few people enjoy the effects of the use of their favorite dishes. Flatulence can occur regardless of the quality of food, its usefulness or freshness.

Some people rarely experience abdominal discomfort, others are several times a day. In any case, it is useful to know the causes and treatment of bloated stomach after eating to get rid of this feeling once and for all.

Do not consume too many raw vegetables. Avoid vegetable that produces gas, such as broccoli and cabbage.

Do not take frequent snacks. You have to give your body a break to digest food, at least two hours between snacks and meals.

Do not abuse caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol relax the muscle between the esophagus and stomach, allowing air to pass. Alcohol causes spasms in the small intestine, which can lead to a bloated stomach.

For many people, a bloated stomach is linked to certain foods, such as broccoli or beans. Diet is one of the common reasons for people to experience bloat.

In women, a bloated stomach during the days preceding menstruation is common; it is caused by fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Many disorders can cause bloated stomach including abdominal problems, dumping syndrome, and even ovarian cancer. Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common. The latter affects the large intestine and forces food to transit faster than it should in the intestines, causing accumulation of gas and diarrhea.

If you simply can not reduce a bloated stomach, you are advised to see a doctor as it may not be your food intolerances which are causing this symptom. The symptoms of many diseases can improve a lot if you learn to manage them.

To identify your food intolerances, please order an intolerance test from and say goodbye to your bloated stomach for good.

Author: Kate Young, BSc, Lab Manager

Kate Young joined Test Your Intolerance in 2020 after working in private laboratories in Japan for 15 years as a Clinical Bio Scientist and embryologist. As Lab Manager, Kate works on IVDR and GLP accreditation.

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