Health benefits of asparagus
Asparagus is labelled as a superfood because it offers many nutritional and health benefits.Rich in antioxidants
Antioxidants are helpful in protecting cells against the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress—oxidation results in ageing, and chronic inflammation, among other diseases. Asparagus is a vegetable full of antioxidants, including vitamin E, glutathione, and vitamin C. It's also rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. The colour of asparagus, especially the purple variety, gives you anthocyanins. Alternatively, anthocyanins consumption can help reduce chronic diseases like blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Consuming asparagus with other vegetables increases your consumption of antioxidants, promoting overall good health.Supports a healthy pregnancy
Asparagus is a good source of B9, also known as folate. Folate is essential for pregnant women. This nutrient helps form red blood cells and produce DNA for the healthy growth and development of the fetus. Mothers must have sufficient levels of folate during early pregnancy. When pregnant mothers get adequate folate levels, it protects their babies against neural tubes like spina bifida. Good folate sources are left green vegetables and fruits. Neural tube defects can cause a lot of trouble, like a lack of bowel and bladder control, learning difficulties, and physical disabilities. Pregnant women are encouraged to start their folate supplements as soon as possible to prevent such issues.Weightloss
Even though asparagus hasn't been tested for weight loss, it contains various properties that point towards that benefit. This vegetable is very low in calories, meaning you can consume lots without fearing you've had too many calories. Asparagus also contains a lot of water. It typically is 94% water, and research shows that consuming foods that are water-rich and low in calories often results in weight loss. The vegetable is also rich in fibre which is another important factor that helps contribute to weight loss as it increases satiety levels.