
13 Crazy Symptoms of Food Intolerances

13 Crazy Symptoms of Food Intolerances
If you experience regular discomfort, pain or abnormal reactions to eating certain foods, it could be a sign that you have a food intolerance. But just what is an intolerance, and what are the symptoms of food intolerance? Read on as we explore everything you need to know.

What is food intolerance?

Food intolerance occurs when the digestive system is either irritated by food or unable to break down and digest a specific ingredient. Common intolerances include lactose, gluten and caffeine.

What are the symptoms of food intolerance?

If you suffer from a food intolerance, there are a number of symptoms that you may experience, including…

Bloating, stomach pains and flatulence

Bloating, stomach pain and flatulence are three of the most common symptoms of food intolerance. They’re often experienced by those who have a less severe intolerance and can be more easily managed than others.

Constipation and gurgling

Constipation is a symptom that makes you feel like you need to go to the toilet, but can’t pass anything, while gurgling is a symptom that sees your stomach makes lots of noise as well as uncomfortable bubble sensations.

Fatigue, migraine and headaches

headache Fatigue, or tiredness, may be surprising. But it’s a common symptom of food intolerance, as are recurring migraines and headaches. Often, as your body tries to cope with the pressure of digesting foods it’s not prepared for, it can become fatigued as a survival mechanism while also leading to further reactive symptoms such as headaches.


Diarrhoea is an unpleasant symptom which can range in severity. Many people experience an increased need to go to the toilet, sometimes suddenly. But in more serious cases, it can leave a person feeling dehydrated and exhausted.

Vomiting and nausea

Vomiting and nausea often go hand in hand, but some may feel nauseous without ever being sick. Both of these symptoms are common in more severe cases of food intolerance where your digestive system simply can’t cope with the food consumed.

Skin rashes and eczema

Although not always the case, skin rashes and conditions such as eczema and hives can appear as a result of food intolerance. While a more common symptom in children, skin conditions can be the visible result of the body trying to cope with the food in its digestive system.

Find the cause of your symptoms

If you’ve experienced any of the symptoms listed above, it may be time to get to the route of the problem with a food intolerance test. Simply prick your skin and send us a blood sample and we’ll pinpoint exactly what your body may be struggling to cope with.

Author: Donna Mastriani, S.N.H.S. Dip., Nutritionist / Care Manager

Donna has a diploma in Advanced Holistic Nutrition and 10 years customer service experience so is perfect as the Customer Care Manager, who manages the 24/7 team for global support.

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