
5 Ways to Help to be Excited About Winter

Want to be on top form for Winter but you have been feeling a bit rough? Thankfully, here at Test Your Intolerance, we have listed 5 things which will help you to look forward to Winter. Considering an intolerance test or an allergy test? Read on to find out more.

1) You Must Identify your intolerances

Feeling excited about the future? Yes? Is that because you have had an intolerance test and are happy knowing exactly what you can and can’t eat? That’s great! We cannot stress enough how important it is that you identify your food intolerances. Now that you can with our intolerance test, you should see a difference, as you eat cleaner and better. Making you feel both happier and healthier.

2) Your friends need to know

Please let those around you know. If you have discovered that you have an intolerance to a certain food, spread the word and don’t be scared! These are your friends and they will understand. It may also take away the panic you were feeling about going out to an event or a party and not being able to eat anything. At Test Your Intolerance, we can help you identify exactly which items you are intolerant to so that you don’t have to avoid entire food groups, meaning that Christmas dinner can be tastier than ever before. Remember, if you think it may be an allergy and not an intolerance, we recommend you take an allergy test with your doctor.

3) There are always alternatives

Going on a night out? Going to a restaurant? Even a birthday party can see us worry about what we are going to eat. You shouldn’t need to worry as there is plenty of alternatives to choose from. Perhaps you don’t want to be the ‘fussy one’ and worry ahead of social events. Well, if you take an intolerance test then you know what you can and cannot eat, taking all the worry away. This means you can plan and make sure there are alternatives to what you can’t eat, putting your mind at ease! Another alternative we can suggest is to eat before. It is not always the first choice, but it stops you worrying.

4) You can be a Happier, Healthier You

What’s that coming over the hill? Oh yes, it’s Winter! Springing into Winter, you are most likely gathered inside with your family, preparing to tuck into a delicious Christmas dinner. Both you and your family love a happier, healthier you, and it has allowed you to really enjoy the Winter, having the knowledge that your body will not react to any of the food you consume in the festive period.

5) Taking an allergy test and intolerance test can benefit you

It is now time to enjoy your Winter. Taking an Intolerance test is simple with Test Your Intolerance. We work hard to understand exactly what you can and can’t eat. It is beneficial for you as you can now have the Winter you want and deserve. Feeling merry yet? Remember, if you think you have an allergy then you should consider an allergy test via your doctor, who you should consult immediately.

If you’ve been feeling any of the above symptoms and want to clarify whether you have an intolerance, an allergy test will help give you a better understanding. Find out more at

Author: Kate Young, BSc, Lab Manager

Kate Young joined Test Your Intolerance in 2020 after working in private laboratories in Japan for 15 years as a Clinical Bio Scientist and embryologist. As Lab Manager, Kate works on IVDR and GLP accreditation.

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