Skin Rashes and Eczema Symptoms

Skin Rashes and Eczema Symptoms. Is there a relationship between Skin Rashes, Eczema and Food Intolerance?

Yes, although your eczema is not always necessarily caused by an allergy or food intolerance. If you have suffered badly with eczema and skin rashes but have not identified what is causing these issues, then you may have a food intolerance or allergy.

Food Intolerances and allergies are a lot more common than most people realise, as there are many people around the world and in the UK not knowing that they are living with an allergy or food intolerance. Once you have identified your intolerances and allergies, however, there are ways to manage it, and if you successfully avoid the offending food item, your skin rashes and eczema may disappear.

Different types of Skin Rashes


One of the more common skin rashes is Hives. It usually starts as a patch of itchy skin which develops into swollen red or skin-coloured bumps and can be increasingly uncomfortable, as well as uncomfortable to look at for many. A problem for many people with hives is that they can appear anywhere on the body, meaning you can not necessarily prepare for an outbreak, unless they are caused by an allergy or food intolerance, meaning they can move around the body.

If you do have a food intolerance or allergy, then Hives can be triggered by a particular food item or other environmental factors. We cannot emphasise enough how important it is to understand the cause of hives, particularly if they are long-term and repeated.


Eczema is widely known around the world for how it appears, but it is not always clear what causes this skin condition. It is a non-contagious chronic inflammatory skin condition, but it can be hereditary. It is not necessarily caused by food intolerance, but if you cannot identify the cause, you should consider that it may be a food intolerance.

It is often hereditary and very common in children, although children can often grow out of it. However, it is important to note that not every child will outgrow eczema, and your dry and sensitive skin can become inflamed with red itchy patches which can often be a great nuisance to others. If the surface is irritated and often scratched due to its itchiness, then the skin break, and in the worst-case scenario, it could cause an infection.

Eczema Allergens

  • Various Food items
  • Pet Hair
  • Mould
  • Dust
  • Cleaning Products

What do we offer?

The full Test Your Intolerance process offers:

  • Scientifically validated blood testing
  • Bioresonance hair sensitivity testing
  • Comprehensive Reports sent via email
  • Access to nutritional therapy aftercare

Instant Results Access through Email

At Test Your Intolerance, we know you want to know what you are allergic or intolerant to as soon as possible, as you are most likely looking to alter your diet and cut out offending foods. Therefore, we provide you with access to your results as soon as they are tested and have been verified.

Once approved, you will have secure online access to them having received an email from us. With a username and a password, you can log in and begin your journey to a new and healthier you, as you eliminate offending foods from your diet. Take a look at your results and read your in-depth report on your allergies & intolerances. 

A full report sent by email

Enabling the convenience of being able to see your results online immediately, we also send you a comprehensive report, outlining all the foods that you are allergic or intolerant to. These tests help you to take control of your body, and this can set you on your way to managing your own food allergies & intolerances.